Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thanskgiving 2014

Thanksgiving this year was a bit different than in the past. Matt was on his 7 on for work, so we had to make sure he got some sleep, but also wanted to spend as much time together as we could. Kara and I would eat Thanksgiving dinner with my family at 1pm while Matt slept and then at 5pm, we would eat with his family. 

Wednesday - 11-26-2014 - Matt finished setting up Christmas and we hung around the house. Kara went down for her nap and I swam while Matt prepared his famous sweet potatoes for both family dinners. 

On the nights Matt starts his 7 on, he takes a nap or has quiet time if he can't fall asleep from 5-8pm. Kara and I usually leave the house and go to his parents or mine. This time, I went to my mom's and we ended up raking up leaves with her, while the kids played in them, 

Thursday - 11-27-2014 - Thanksgiving Day
Kara and I had breakfast together and I put her down for a nap and started cooking the sweet potatoes. When the sweet potatoes were finished, I loaded them into the car and then woke up Kara from her nap. We went to the church to join the family for some fun. It was mostly okay, but Kara was a little bit adventurous with the stage and would get close to the edge and jump up and down. Which gave me a heart jump a couple times. She was also a little grumpy with Leili, plus Leili didn't feel good anyway from having thrown-up that morning. We left at 4pm to go and pick up Matt to head to his family's dinner. 

Kara fell asleep on the way there, so I extended my drive so she could get a little nap in. We arrived at Matt's parents and got ready to eat. Right before starting, Kara threw-up. I had to leave the table and let Matt take care of it, We took her temperature and she had a fever, so I went to my mom's and got her some medicine. Kara was perfectly normal after I got back and was even eating. We enjoyed the rest of the night. I even snuck out for an hour of shopping. When I got back, we had pie. When Matt left for work, Kara and I packed up to head home for her bed time, 3 minutes before getting home Kara threw-up in the car. It was everywhere and Matt was on his way to work, so I had to deal with it. 

I got Kara out of the car, cleaned her up, and sat her on the couch watching Goofy. Matt's mom was nice enough to bring up there carpet cleaner so I could clean out the car. Finally got Kara to bed and then the week of sickness hit. 

Kara was only sick for about 36 hours, but I got a cold and than I got the stomach flu for 3 days. Plus about the same time I got the stomach flu, Matt got sick for 36 hours. It was a horrible week for us after Thanksgiving!

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