Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February Week of Fun

Matt took me out to dinner after his weekend fun at Comic Con. Kara's end treat of a pickle and ice cream were too funny and too much like my weird prego cravings just have to document it.

We took Kara to the park before going grocery shopping as it was too nice to be stuck indoors all day. We went to the soccer fields by our house that are directly across from the airport 2, so we saw multiple planes and helicopters land. It was the perfect size park for Kara as it had 3 slides and I could just sit and watch.

I got a call from Kali to come and join her at Wheeler Farm to play and feed the ducks. Matt ended up waking up before I had to go and he wanted to come, so we played with Kali, Leili, Mason, and my mom for a couple hours.

Weird weather for February, but we are enjoying it as much as possible.

On Friday, Kara and I went up to hang out with Kristin, Katie, and Parker for the morning and afternoon. We played at the park for a couple hours and even had a picnic outside. It was so nice as you can tell by no jackets and no shoes. Kara took a nap while Katie and Parker watched a movie. Kristin even made cookies. Oh boy were they yummy! When we got home, we relaxed in the frontroom with Matt while Kara played.

Kara and I went to Kasiah's baptism in the morning while Matt slept. Kara wanted to play with bows in the morning, but wouldn't leave them on, so I snapped a couple pictures before we headed out the door. Who knows, maybe one day she will have hair enough to keep them in?

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