Monday, July 4, 2011

Young Women and Young Men Fundraiser

We hold an annual fundraiser every year for the Youth in our ward to help raise funds to pay for camp. We had a breakfast, car wash, and auction on Saturday, June 11. Luckily the weather was perfect....and alot of people showed up too. We were able to raise about $2000.00.

The young women prepared an item for the auction. We all learned to crochet a square. The squares were then all put into a blanket of values for the auction...we were able to make 2 of them. In the end, Matt and my 1st counselor, Leslie were bidding against each other for the first one and we ended up at $51.00 for each blanket. (never give the husband your check book).

Matt was agreat sport and helped with the food for the breakfast.

This is one of the orange square that I crochetted for Young Women Value blanket!
Took me quite awhile to learn how to crochet, but after I learned it was fun.

The $51.00 blanket...It will be great to remember what I learned in Young Women's year from now.

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