Wednesday, June 17, 2020

10-22-2019 - Uterine Ablation Surgery

I had a Uterine Ablation hoping that it would help with my Pelvic Congestion Syndrome. Every month around my period my hip will feel like it is on fire. It took me two years to get to the diagnosis and paying attention to my body to come to this conclusion. I started at my primary care doctor. Went to a back doctor. Did physical therapy. We back to the back doctor. Then I went to my OBGYN once I noticed that the pain revolved around my period. 

We discussed a hysterectomy or a uterine ablation. I decided to try the uterine ablation before taking out my insides and not being able to do what I needed to as a mom. 

Morning of the procedure, Matt drove me to Lone Peak hospital. The people were really nice and I had sat in the waiting room quite awhile cause they seemed to have forgotten about us. 

Everything went well. I was just in pain for about a week. Worse than pregnancy cramps for sure. 

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