Friday, March 24, 2017

2-2, 2-4, & 2-11 2017 - Playing with Horses

I get to work with a non-profit called Hope Ranch Ministries. It helped me alot when I was dealing with infertility, miscarriages, and failed adoptions before we had Kara. It gave me a place that I love, which are horses, and an environment to be away and get my energies out. To put it simple "Finding Hope by interacting with Horses". That is a simple way to put it. We have worked with a lot of different individuals, groups, organizations, and circumstances to serve those who either need us or pay for lessons. 

The leaders of Hope Ranch all believe in Jesus Christ, but we aren't from the same religion or church or thought base. We prayerfully do what we do to help others. For instance, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but others aren't. We still work together though and enjoy what we do. I'm probably the least experience with the horses in regards to giving lessons and teaching what we teach, Parelli Natural Horsemaship, But I am the most experiences with computers and technology, so I do most of the secretary work as I call it. 

I am also afraid of heights and speed. Kinda funny since I am nervous to stand on a bar stool at home, let alone get on a horse that is much taller than a bar stool. I am also very reluctant to go down hills and every time I see them, I take a deep breath, focus on what I am doing, and pray Bubbles (horse I ride) won't stumble, cause she kinda does that. 
Also, I'm not a fan of speed, with that said, cantering is hard for me, if I don't do it often enough. It is mostly fun and exhilarating, but if I don't keep up my practice I lose my never and don't really want to do it, but end up doing it anyway.

My goals for this year are to be able to ride bareback at a trot, maybe a canter, if I ever get the nerve to do so. I am also horrible at balance and afraid of falling off. 

I still love it and love sharing the Hope that I got when I needed it the most. 

February - I worked alot on ground work with Bubbles and getting a better relationship with Bubbles. I usually get to work with her once a week.

Video - Trying to get Bubbles to figure 8 around cones

Video - Terri showing doing figure 8s with Bubble


Video - Jessica riding Bubbles bareback to help me (1 of 3)

Video - Jessica riding Bubbles bareback to help me (2 of 3)

Video - Jessica riding Bubbles bareback to help me (3 of 3)


Video - Playing with Tika and Bubbles (find your safe spot)

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