Sunday, July 17, 2016

Random June 2016


For about a week, Kara would come into my room at 6:00am. I would tell her it was too early to get up and she would cuddle with me in bed. I loved it.

Having fun playing outside in the water.

I cried when I saw Logan doing this with his bowl. He is getting so big so fast.

Evening walk with Matt before he had to go to work. Kara loves going through the sprinklers.

I love to hold Logan while he eats his evening bottle and his nap bottle. This is one of the fun times we get to have when it is just the two of us for a little bit.

Another morning with Kara climbing in bed with me. Loved the morning cuddles.

Kara using my phone to take pictures while we were visiting Papa and Bonka.

Video - Papa and Logan playing together.

We took a walk to Hunter Park with Matt's mom while the car was getting checked out. 

We headed home after lunch and Logan didn't last the car ride home.

Playing in the water table on a hot day. 

Out shopping at Harmons for our meal plan food.

Trip to the library with Kara. She just plopped down right in the aisle to read a book. She absolutely loves reading. We spend at least 1 hour a day reading, plus she reads in her bed before naps and at bedtime.

Playing at Bonka's house during one of the renovation days. 

Logan and Kappy together. He had to be put down a couple days later. Kinda miss the dog.

Leili and Kara taking turns pushing each other in the swing.

Daddy time with his kids. They love playing with him. Sometimes all he does is play with them and doesn't get any work done around the house.

Date night with Matt. We got to sit in the spiffy recliners at Jordan Landing to watch our movie.

Tifanie came over for the evening. We had dinner, went for a walk, and went to the park. Kara and Logan absolutely loved her bringing over her dogs to play. 

Morning bike ride to the library and the school park.

Went to Grace and Katie's dance concert. I remember Grace's first concert and now she is 9.

Kara dropping off Papa's Father's Day peanut to him. We were going to have dinner with them but Matt's mom got sick. 

Nail day while Logan was asleep for his nap. 

Logan and Kara love to play with each other. Everytime I lie down on the ground Logan is all over me. So he thought he would do the same with his sister. He even tries to sit on any baby crawling around during Sundays at church. It is quite funny to see him try.

Kara styling while we workout in the basement. 

First raspberry pickings at my mom's while she was away at Chelsey's for 10 days. 

Having fun at home trying to get ready for camping. 

Video - Kara and Logan playing "row row row your boat"

Video - Logan sitting on Kara. 

Kara told Matt to take pictures of her pretending to sleep. 

Kara and Logan playing "unicorns".

I thought it was funny finding Kara asleep with her night light on her head. 

Logan playing daredevil with Bonka. 

First trip to Seven Peaks for the season. 

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