Friday, March 25, 2016

January 2016 - Random photos and videos


Well I Instagram along with blogging, because it is a whole bunch easier, faster, and I stay connected to my 3 sisters. But here is what what the "best nine" for 2015.

Logan learning to stand up and walk along things. 

Snuggles with Logan. 

Logan figuring out how to climb on everything and through anything all in one day.

For a long while, Kara has liked lining up objects together side by side. Today she chose to line up the groceries. 

Logan's first attempt at using a straw, and having a smoothie. He mastered both pretty much in one day.

Logan figuring out Kara's pony and loving it. 

Kara's first late night of being sick. We were up past 11pm watching shows.

Logan's army crawl.


We went to the Home Show for couple of hours as I won tickets on the radio. Wasn't the best and we even hit the bridal show too. 

Kara and Logan playing on the stairs.

Hanging out after breakfast before working on the computer. 

Logan and Mason playing together. Mason was definitely not sure about the whole experience. 


While I was upstairs nursing Logan, Kara decided to get herself something to eat. She got the macaroni out and put it in the bowl. She also managed to get the strawberries and a knife out and put them by the sink. Quite impressive!

Another shovel the driveway, while Kara played in the snow. 

My permanent pants accessory as of late. 

Kara styling like her daddy with her hat. 

Not feeling the best and having Logan cuddle with me. 

I hadn't eaten much and wasn't feeling good, so Matt made me homemade rice pudding. It wasn't my mom's recipe, but it still tasted good. 

Logan found his love of putting things in places that they aren't suppose to be. We are constantly searching for his binkies as he puts them in random drawers and weird locations. 

This is what we look like when we try using the flash in a dark room. 

Logan had to wear Kara's clothes as he a blow out at play group.

Ice Cream for Breakfast courtesy of her dad.  

One of my birthday dinners at Red Robin.

Matt totally loves this dress on Kara.

Kara's idea of stuffed egg (grapes inside the hole.)

Logan trying to walk.

Tucanos Brazilian Grill birthday dinner. Fantastic food and Matt and I got to go to dinner by ourselves without kids. Which is fantastic! Love dating him soooo much!

Kara's dentist appointment. She did pretty good except she didn't like her teeth being cleaned with the vibrating tool or flossed. She was great for x-rays though. I love that they have digital x-rays so they can tell how well it is done the first time. 

Logan decided to climb under the table after he got in trouble with trying to climb on it.

Kara and Logan playing together. Love watching them interact. 

Kara coaxing Logan to follow her to his room. Which he did and they played in her room for an hour. 

Logan being lazy and not wanting to drink his bottle. 

My kids do like broccoli.  Great for me!

Sibling fun. 

Frozen Yogurt treat. Yes, we go there alot as I LOVE it!

He does have hair!

Kara's idea of what I do while nursing Logan.

Kara helping me feed Logan.

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