Saturday, April 20, 2013

On our own at home

After so much help in the hospital, being home on our own was a little scary!

Breastfeeding, being sore, visitors wanting to come over, trying to get sleep, and silly hormones all added up to be some interesting times, but everything quite didn't matter after being able to hold Kara in our arms and snuggling with her.

The amount of time we waited for her to be in our lives makes those fun things mentioned above all small things that can be worked through.

So we have been to the pediatrician twice now as Kara is 18 days old. First on April 2nd when she was 5 days old and she weighed 7 lbs and 4 ounces. Second at her two week appointment on April 15th when she weighed 8 lbs and 9 ounces.

We have gone to our families homes at least once.
We have been on a couple walks to get out in the beautiful weather.
Kara has had her first photo shoot, which she was a trooper and Turkey took some fantastic pictures.
Matt has gone back to work and Kara and I survived.
I have only cried over 3 silly things...the best one is I wanted Matt to help me bathe Kara as I am not ready for a slippery baby yet and he almost didn't have time.
Matt is a Pro at sucking out her nose, something I don't like thinking of doing.
I do her laundry about every other day...It is amazing how many things she spits up on or decides to wet after her diaper is off.
I have put all her laundry away too, but she is now probably ready for 0-3 month clothing.
She has her own bank account set up now ready and waiting for deposit to be made for school, wedding, or mission.
I have taken her out to run errands by myself now twice, which is more cumbersome than I thought as her carrier weighs a ton with her in it.

Arlee came to visit on Monday April 1st, cause she couldn't come to the hospital.
Kisses from Arlee.

Lydia wasn't too happy that her parent were holding a baby.
Hopefully she will like Kara when they are older. 

Kara looks like a baldy in this picture. 

First bath at home. Was kinda interesting as she decided
once her diaper was off to give us a surprise.

Taking a nap with her dad.

Gracie and Katie came to visit.

Tifanie came to visit and brought us Chick-fil-a.
Which I probably will never eat again  as I got sick and had to go to the ER the next day.
Matt's mom not knowing I am taking pictures of her. 

KayLyn came to visit and was so giddy about holding Kara. 

KayLyn and Kim 

Kim didn't want to hold Kara, but Matt made her. 

Amber Dawn was finally able to visit after getting over being sick. 

Kasiah came to visit and give Kara a present.
She was good to hold her only for a few seconds and then she was done. 

Tummy time with Dad.

So much fun with our little one and so many more fun times to come!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. They are SOOOOOOOOoooooo CUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTEEEEEE! (I had to do that)
