After the delivery, my legs weren't quite functioning to ride in a wheel chair up to the recovery room, so I rode on a gurney for transport and got to hold the baby while we moved.
We arrived in our room around 10:30pm. Tired, exhausted, curious, disbelief, and so many other emotions, wrapped up into one.
Well, I finally got to eat! It was a sandwich, but it tasted fantastic and I also got to drink cold milk too! So rejuvenating. Little did I know how much I would need it. Now, I had eaten and it was the baby's turn...well we couldn't quite figure out the breastfeeding part, so we had to feed her small drops from a spoon. Very she finally ate at 2 am.
Matt went with Kara to her first trip to the nursery for her vitals to be checked.
Cute little foot! |
Kara got her first bath at 11:00 on Saturday, March 30th. They bathed her in our room so I could watch. Matt took pictures of course to document such a big occasion. :-)
All I can say is breastfeeding is NOT the easiest thing in the world...especially for a tired new mom, a brand new baby, and pressure to get the hang of it before you leave the hospital. Well, let just say we finally got the hang of it 5 hours before we left the hospital after multiple nurses' help, a lactation class, and a lactation specialist all relaying how to breast feed.
Another thing about the hospital is their lovely schedules. You finally fall asleep at 3 or 4 am, because you are so tired your body finally gives in and they come in around 6 am for rounds. I love having a conversation with the doctors at 6am about birth control. Stupidest subject to take about or comprehend at that time in the morning.
We had a lot of visitors on Saturday, March 30th starting at 11am to past 10pm...pretty much constantly. Matt and I were both exhausted and should have taken time for a nap! Saturday night with the baby was the worst night, the nurses couldn't keep her calm and kept thinking she was hungry, so I had my first experience with a fussy baby on no sleep and wondering what I was suppose to do. I tried to let Matt sleep as there was no point in both of us being up.
Matt's Mom |
Matt's Dad |
My parents |
My Grandma |
Chelsey and Hans |
Kali. Shawn was also there but wouldn't smile for a picture. |
Kristine and Trent |
Turkey |
Kristin...we missed taking David's picture. |
I finally got the baby to calm down, by having her lay in bed with me. At 7am the nurses started coming in, along with the doctors, and pediatrician. So no sleep again! My nurse finally put a note outside my door, saying to leave us alone, and I got a much needed nap for 1 hour. Amazing how much that helped!
Matt's mom delivered Matt's Easter present for me, we had two visitors that day, but a lot more relaxed. We decided on the baby's name. Well actually, Matt made the final decision when he wrote our the information for the birth certificate, Kara Dianna. We ate our celebratory dinner a 6pm and then were out of the hospital by 7:30pm and on our way home.
Matt and Kara on Easter morning |
Matt's Easter basket |
Kara was a great family Easter present for 2013! |
Our Celebration Dinner that the hospital provided for us before going home. |
Kara's going home outfit. |
Daddy and Kara ready to go. |
Mommy and Kara ready to go. |
Ready in her car seat for her first car ride. |
Snug as a little Kara-bean |
Hospital bracelets right before taking them off. |
Our arrival home...Thanks Turkey for the decorations! |
We love you so much Kara-bean and are so excited that we got to bring you home and have the fun of being your parents!