Monday, November 1, 2010

Posting Comments

So if you have tried posting comments to my blog in the past and haven't been able to, you can now.

I didn't even know I set it where comments were limited to people logged in. Well my mother-in-law asked why she couldn't post a comment. I told her she would have to ask my sister in-law Amy.

Thanks Amy for finding the problem and thanks, Ma, for asking about it as I didn't know.

So if you want to post comments, you can.

Thanks for everyone that does read my blog and comments it is fun reading what you have to say.


  1. I'm posting a comment because I can. COMMENT! But really you guys look like you had a lot of fun with the girls. I love seeing pictures of you two with kids. They love you. Arlee is a cute cookie maker. Looks like she likes to lick the spoon, that is the best part.

  2. You're welcome! I'm still learning things myself. I'm glad you guys enjoyed your Halloween!
