Monday, April 16, 2012

Catching Mattie...ASLEEP

Matt and I were hanging out in our room while I was blogging one day. For some reason we locked arms and Matt ended up falling asleep. I thought it was funny and cute, so I took some pictures on my phone.

Isn't he cute, while he is asleep? It was after one of his graveyard shifts, so he was tired. It took me 6 tries to get me and Mattie in the picture together.

I also caught Matt asleep at Shopko in a comfy chair. Not really, but I had found the last piece to our Nursery though...a glider. I had been searching KSL for the last 6 months for the glider I wanted, but found it brand new at Shopko. I took Matt to see it and sit in it, or fall asleep in it.
It's comfy. 
It rocks.
It reclines.
It has an ottoman.
It's made of leather, so when the baby throws up, it won't stain.

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