Friday, January 2, 2015

After Christmas

I started not feeling very well on Christmas Eve, but it really didn't hit me until December 26th, which was horrible as Matt wasn't around at all that day because he sacrificed his sleep to go snowboarding with his brother from California and our nephews. Lets just say, Kara and I watched alot of TV.

12-27-2014 -
We went to my family party. This was the first Christmas party without my Gram. For as long as I can remember we would always gather around her on Christmas Eve and she would give us a present. This continues as the family got larger and larger and larger. Lets just say my aunt had 8 kids, my mom had 7 kids, my other aunt had 4 kids, and an uncle with 2. Plus add us all getting married and us having kids of our own. She always got us something. To me it wasn't about the present, but that she was there and it was tradition and this year the tradition was gone. 32 years and now she was gone. I miss her and thought alot about her this past Christmas season. I even have her Christmas tree that she use to keep at her house. It is small and sat in my room this year on the table, but it help me remember her. Gram - I miss you! Glad to know that you are in a better place and you are free from pain. Keep a watch on us!

My Aunt Carrie did make it special though and had a surprise for us to play 2 games. Made the night alot better than just having food and chatting.

I went to my mom's for dinner. It was a smaller family dinner as it was just two of the families instead of 4. Kara and Leili had fun together as you can tell in this video. They ran around or were spinning around for at least 1 hour.

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