Sunday, September 11, 2016

8-31-2016 - Just a day

I had arranged with Kali to take Kyla and Leili while she went out with Ashley for lunch. Unfortunately, Ashley had to run her son to the doctor. I told Kali to bring the kids over anyway and we would have lunch and still let them play.

Kali came over, but had had it with Leili so I told her to go have some "me" time. She enjoyed running errands by herself and eating lunch by herself. Doesn't sound like much fun, but oh I know the feeling, sometimes you just want to sit in silence and eat without having to tell your kids to eat, make them food, clean up after them, remind them to eat, ask them to sit down, remind them to eat, and then remind them to eat again. Oh for the quiet and stillness of a peaceful meal.

Quite enjoyable sometimes,

Kali brought back a peanut butter waffer bars and the kids loved them. Logan loved them as he thought they were a cookie which is the first thing he usually asks for when we go to my mom's.

After they left, I put the kids down for a nap and waited for Matt to get up. Once he did, I had my quiet time. I went and picked up my wedding ring, which I had cleaned and the prongs fixed around the center diamond. Its amazing how light my hand was without it on, but how naked it felt without it on.

Matt worked an extra shift that night, so when I got home it was still early so we went on a walk. Yep that is a picture of Kara in her pajamas on our walk. I didn't want to be inside yet, so we loaded Logan up in the stroller and went around the block a couple times. She frequently will ask me while we are out on a walk to stop and take her picture. I like when she does this since I have her full attention and she will truly smile for the camera. I think she is quite a beautiful little girl.

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