Monday, December 21, 2015

July 2015 - Random Photos and Videos

7-14-2015 - Kara decided she would get into the bow drawer and play dress up. 

First time back on the treadmill since having Logan and Logan falling asleep while I walk and Kara is down for a nap.

7-15-2015 - Logan dressed and ready to go to play at Bonka's house.

Pee Hat - Literally. Had to get a urine sample from Kara to see if she had a UTI. Didn't want to have to do a catheter, so we brought the "hat" home.

7-16-2015 - We got a urine sample and dropped it off at the doctor's office, only after promising Kara she could have a sucker.

7-17-2015 - Hanging out with Daddy

Helping clean the house.

Park time. Matt and Kara got to play while I nursed Logan.

7-20-2015 - First time at the Pediatric Dentist. She let them clean her teeth and even got x-rays.

Summer time in the backyard while Matt finished putting black stuff in the future flower bed.

7-21-2015 - Playing at Bonka's house.

7-26-2015 - Logan learned how to eat his binkie at 4 months old.

7-30-2015 - Time out with Turkey. Much needed time off for a couple hours.

7-27-2015 - Kara doing tricks for Bonka. 

7-28-2015 - My future soccer player...she is pretty coordinated for a 2 year old.

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