Monday, May 16, 2011

Mother's Day or Daughter of God Day!

So this year's Mother's Day was a little bit harder than usual, but I wanted it to be a good day, so I renamed it Daughter of God Day!

We are all Daughters of God and I wanted to show my Young Women how much I loved and appreciated them. Along with my mom, Matt's mom, and our Grandma.

We dipped strawberries on Saturday Night. Lots of them. I want to drizzle "black" chocolate of the brown chocolate. We didn't have any dark chocolate, so I thought I could use food coloring to make the medium colored chocolate black. Well it didn't work. It turned the chocolate and ugly green and also made the chocolate to work the right consistency. (Matt told me on the instructions, not to add any moisture. I didn't listen very well.)

We gave our Moms' a plate or chocolate covered strawberries and Grandma a Pansie. Grandma said chocolate ruins the strawberries. (Good thing, we gave her a plant. Love you, Gram!)

I gave the Young Women the following scripture and a Chocolate Covered Strawberry after the lesson.

Proverbs 31:10

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. (Or Chocolate Covered Strawberries)

Matt eating one of the "Green Chocolate" covered Strawberries

Aren't they beautiful...and they taste great too!

If you look really hard, you can see "Green Chocolate" Covered Strawberries. 
Happy Daughter of God Day to every Young Woman (yes, I mean you!)


  1. That is a really cute idea. Good job on being so creative. BTW: I won't mind if you spoil me with those covered strawberries. : P

  2. Abbie! I was trying to get a hold of you to send you and invite to my baby shower. I am flying down July 2nd for it. Can you leave your address on my blog or email me at

