Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend....and a great Memorial Day Deal!

Memorial Day Weekend hasn't been all that fun. Matt had clinicals Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday from 7:00am to 7:30pm. So I tried finding things to do.

On Friday, I went up and baby sat the Elswood kids, while David and Kristin went on a date. It was quite interesting to say the least. 3 kids under the age of Four (4, 2, and 6 months). I had to make dinner, heat up hotdogs, get the jello out, chips, and a drink. Fairly easy right....Yep...that is what I thought until Gracie's little friend stayed over for dinner too and Parker (6 months old) was hungry, so he decided to scream while I tried to get the girls their food. Oh and Gracie's little friend is bossy, so the girls wanted to do everything her way.

Lets just say, No more friends while babysitting, unless I don't have to "cook" dinner.

I got the kids ready for bed and read books until it was time for bedtime. Thank goodness Parker fell asleep on me and the girls love me so they went right to bed without any problems. YEAH!!!

Saturday and Sunday were pretty uneventful, except Sunday I made 21 hair bows, which I will post pictures in a couple of days.

Monday, I coerced Matt to come home early, so we could go on a date. We first went on a walk, then to Michaels for more bow making supplies, then to Big-5 for a canopy, dinner, and a movie. It was nice seeing my husband for a little while.

The Canopy Story -
           Matt and I have been thinking about by a canopy for camping for quite awhile. Why you might ask? Well when we go camping it usually rains. We went camping 5 times last year and it rained 4 out of 5 times. Pretty lousy odds. So we have been looking for a good canopy that will last a long time, can withstand the weather, and not to expensive. I have been searching the ads for the last couple of months and saw the "Memorial Day" sale at Big-5, so we went and checked it out.

Well we got our canopy.
13x13 feet wide
Regularly Priced -          $200.00
Sale Priced -                 $149.99
Floor Model Discount     $15.00
Ad Coupon                    $10.00
Gift Certificate                $75.00
Gift Card                          $5.60
           Total Price Paid $52.00

Thought of staying dry while camping.....PRICELESS!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Matt took his CT Boards on Tuesday....He passed with 91%. Now he has two licenses, one to take X-Rays and one to complete CT Scans. These are not technical terms for the licenses, but what I call them

We have 6 months left of Matt being in school and then we are done. It will be very interesting to see what will happen up until then and what will happen afterwards.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Mother's Day or Daughter of God Day!

So this year's Mother's Day was a little bit harder than usual, but I wanted it to be a good day, so I renamed it Daughter of God Day!

We are all Daughters of God and I wanted to show my Young Women how much I loved and appreciated them. Along with my mom, Matt's mom, and our Grandma.

We dipped strawberries on Saturday Night. Lots of them. I want to drizzle "black" chocolate of the brown chocolate. We didn't have any dark chocolate, so I thought I could use food coloring to make the medium colored chocolate black. Well it didn't work. It turned the chocolate and ugly green and also made the chocolate to work the right consistency. (Matt told me on the instructions, not to add any moisture. I didn't listen very well.)

We gave our Moms' a plate or chocolate covered strawberries and Grandma a Pansie. Grandma said chocolate ruins the strawberries. (Good thing, we gave her a plant. Love you, Gram!)

I gave the Young Women the following scripture and a Chocolate Covered Strawberry after the lesson.

Proverbs 31:10

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. (Or Chocolate Covered Strawberries)

Matt eating one of the "Green Chocolate" covered Strawberries

Aren't they beautiful...and they taste great too!

If you look really hard, you can see "Green Chocolate" Covered Strawberries. 
Happy Daughter of God Day to every Young Woman (yes, I mean you!)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

BABY Blanket

One of my Young Women advisors is going to have a baby boy and I couldn't think of anything for the young women to make for a boy, so I decided they could tie a baby quilt.

So I got the task of making the quilt, I kept putting off making for a couple of weeks. Well the day was getting closer and closer to tie the quilt, so I finally buckled down and did it.

I cut out all the squares and figured out a pattern. My mother-in-law helped me pin and iron as I sewed. Thanks, Ma! Well we started about 5:30pm and ended at 10:30pm. The longest part was the backing for the blanket - buying it, washing it, and waiting for it to dry. But it got finished.

The Young Women tied some of the quilt, but we ran out of time, but it is complete and we will be giving it to the advisor this Sunday. What a great Mother's Day present!

The things you learn after Young Womens

It is amazing the things I have been learning in Young Womens.

Patience is a key that if you haven't learned yet, you will...teenagers equal DRAMA. (Just because I am an adult and out of high school doesn't mean I get to miss the High School/Junior High drama! :-)

Planning and organize help too!

Sewing skills are essential, especially if you want to try and make 15 skirts with Young Women, who don't really know how to use a sewing machine, let alone stay calm enough to listen to the instructions. Thanks to my mom and mother-in-law for coming to the rescue with this crazy activity.


This was the subject of the lesson that I taught to the Young Women on May 1st.

 I never would have guessed that I would need the lesson so much in my own life, just days from having taught it.

So many don't know, but in February we were picked by a birthmom get her baby. This happened on Tuesday, February 7th. The next day, we found out that we were going to moving into a 3 bedroom townhouse, directly adjacent to our 2 bedroom town house. We were thrilled, thinking things are looking up now. So we did get to move into our new place, but the birthmom backed out of the adoption.

This has weighed on my mind for the last couple of months, thinking that it wasn't meant to be, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! (I hate this saying by the way) But with Mother's Day tomorrow and the birthmom having been due Mid-May,  it makes me think that I could have been an actual mom on Mother's Day.

So in trying to apply the lesson from Sunday that I taught my Young Women, I am greatful for what I do have and the blessings that I have been given and the trials (waiting for a baby and Matt trying to find a job in his field of study) that Matt and I get to learn together.

It is amazing the map we set for our lives in our head and what actually happens in reality.

MAY - I have Gratitude for the month of MAY and forever.