Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What can you learn from a horse...what have I learned?

Back on November 25th, I wrote about having been lead to an opportunity to work with horses through a non-profit organization called Hope Ranch.

I am still volunteering and working with this organization and have learned so much from it. I am so glad to have been lead to this organization and how much it has helped me. I get to hang out with horses and volunteer for those that need the HOPE the horses bring to me.

Learning about the horses:

  • I learned to groom a horse, but it still scares me to brush the tail. I was always told growing up you NEVER stood behind a horse.
  • I am continuing to learn about saddling a horse. Saddles are all so different and what does into making sure the horse is comfortable is important. Why and who cares? Well, you would if you had a 200 pound person sitting on your back and the saddle is too small and the padding isn't placed right. I had now idea about this. 
  • Learning about feeding many different kinds...from baby food type to older horse type that can't keep the weight on. 
  • Being safe around them 
  • Muck manure...sounds horrible, but I love being around the horses and learning everything and anything in taking care of them. 
  • Picking up their hooves 
  • Leading them
  • Riding them 
  • Different horsenalities. Yes, horses have personalities, just like humans.But we call them horsenalities. Don't believe me, you watch the 9 horses I have gotten to know. Matt likes to tease me about this as I study it on the videos I watch for "homework".
  • And so much more. It is amazing how much I have learned in the past 6 months and I pretty much know nothing. 
  • The horse I mostly work with and say she is mine, is Trinity. She is a beautiful Palomino.  

Learning about myself:

  • I have always expected myself to be perfect and if you can't do it perfectly than there is no point in doing it at all. WRONG! With the horses I can't be perfect. I am learning and they are never the same. They are living breathing animals that have thoughts and horsenalities all there own. 
  • Learning that perfection isn't always possible and that I can fail and come back and try again is a continual lesson for me each time I ride. 
  • Some days are better than others and others day are far worst than others. 
  • I am kinda scared of horses. I think they are one of the most beautiful creatures on Earth, but a couple things scary me about them. 
    1. Fear of falling off them. Since I fell off for the first time in January, this isn't really that bad, but I don't like it by any means!
    2. They are tall. I am scared of heights and when you are sitting on their back you tend to be much taller. 
    3. Going down hills while riding on them. Heights and control.
    4. Going fast. I don't have perfect control over the situation. Need to work on my balance and confidence. There have been things in my life that I haven't had any control over and have had to place my trust in Heavenly Father to get me through them and continue to do so on a daily basis. HOPE - Heaven Opens Promises Everyday!
    5. I am still learning about being around them, their behaviors, how they work in a herd, and everything else about them. 
  • SO WHY ON EARTH if I was scared of them, do I keep riding? I really have asked myself is a love/scared relationship. If I never did anything I was scared of, I would be stuck in a bubble. 
  • People. I get to meet and associate with a lot of different people at HOPE Ranch. From the other people taking lesson, to other volunteers, to people who come out looking for their own HOPE. 
  • I couldn't have asked for a better time for HOPE Ranch to come into my life. It gave me a piece of the HOPE I was missing in my life, it continues to give me HOPE, and lets me share my love of horses and give others HOPE by being able to interact with them when they need it to.

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