Chelsey and Hans invited us to go on vacation with them. First, we thought of going to the Redwoods in California, but after finding out how long the drive was for both families, as Chels and Hans live in Washington and Matt and I in Utah, we changed our plans.
Matt and I would fly into Portland, Oregon and meet up with them. We spent a couple days in Portland, a day and a half on the coast, and a couple in Yakima where Chels and Hans live. Our days were full of fun, adventure, and interesting moments.
Check out the blogs of each of the days.
Be sure to read all 7 days. Fun stuff in each post!
Hope you enjoyed our adventure as much as we did! Thanks Chels, Hans, Arlee, and Lydia!
We spent so much time in the are some photos of how Arlee and Lydia handled it.
Seating arrangements:
Hans and Chels were in the front seat. Driving and navigation
Lydia and I in the middle. Feeding and trying not to get car sick.
Matt and Arlee in the back. Watching movies and talking to each other.
Lydia likes to suck her thumb. No Binkie for her |
Arlee asleep |
Lydia eating and me helping her. |
Arlee entertaining herself and Matt.
She loved to watch different movies with Matt,
but would ask him questions about what was
happening when she already knew the answers. |
Lydia HATED her car seat!
This is what she was like most the time when we strapped her in. |
Lydia smiling for the camera. |
Arlee asleep again. |
It looks and sounds like you had so much fun. I love all the pictures!