Saturday, August 20, 2016

July 2016 - Random Photos


Logan's first splash pad. He didn't like it very much but also didn't hate it too bad. 

Kara set up a picnic in my room and Logan joined her for the fun.

Logan's reaction to the blender. He likes to moves his hands back and forth making fun sounds while it is turned on.

Coolest day in July, so we took and evening bike ride.

Logan's tooth has a tooth growing on top of it. We made a dentist appointment to figure out what is going on.

Cuddles with Kyla while Kali, Shawn, and Leili go to a movie.

I taught Kara to climb onto the tramp so I don't have to lift her up anymore. It involves some gymnastic moves but it works out great.

Cucumbers dipped in tomato soup. What could be better?

Pajama day in the backyard.

Daddy playing pokemon against the other two people in the picture.

Logan's first bath in my tub. He is getting big.

Sunset from my parents front porch.

Having a pillow fight with Papa.

Logan giving Kara some loves.

Kara decided to take pictures with my phone while I was mowing the lawn.

Kara and daddy dancing with their pioneer hats on.

Kara - "Mom, I'm a soccer girl"

Logan learning the value of recycling. We have to make sure he doesn't put anything important in the garbage can.

Hanging out with Logan while Kara is taking a nap.

Last minute dinner idea to go to Village Inn.

Too cool for you mom!

Day out with the horses. I love mucking out the corral.

Matt sent me this picture while I was out with the horses. Logan is a keeper except I don't like him standing on the changing table.

Matt and Kara hanging the ceiling fans together.

Logan found a noise maker in the diaper bag during relief society. Luckily he could blow it hard enough to make it whistle. That would have been funny.

Daddy making them fly.

Parents' house renovations.

Matt hurt his back so I took him to InstaCare.

Side by side comparison cause I had to go to my Gyno appointment the next day. Matchy matchy.

Logan dunking his cookies in milk. We use a bowl so it is a bit more stable.

Modeling Kara's backpack.

Hanging out at Kali's while she does her deck.

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