Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Random March 2016 - Photos and Videos

This was the first day back from Disneyland, so I slept in a bit and Matt played with Kara and helped her build a tower. Well when it fell over it was really loud and I was awake for the day. 

Kara is so sweet with Logan. She does really try to help him and want to play with him, but he has a mind of his own especially when she tackles him.
She likes to be the "mom" during meal times and help him eat. 

We had Kali and Leili over for some cousin time and found out they were twiners without even planning it. 

Yard work with Dad. Kara loves helping her dad and can be his little shadow.

Kara buckled Ariel in the front seat to go to Bonka's. Matt bought it for her the last night of Disneyland.

Out for a walk with Bonka and her stroller.

Bonka has Logan backwards, so Kara had to do the same thing.

Logan's first licorice.
National Pie day and Kali's birthday.

Kara wishing Kali a Happy Birthday this year. 

Kara wishing Kali a Happy Birthday 2015. 
I miss her two year old voice and how she said things. 

Logan proving he is a boy and that he can climb anything.

Reading together.

Logan learned to climb on the kitchen table while I was at Relief Society activity.

Logan interested in balls and started saying ball too.

Matt made Kara a homemade "merida bow and arrow", which she sometimes uses as her "heart (harp)"

Out with the horses and cleaning one of the corrals. Yep, I like mucking horse poop.

Park time after I got home from the horse.

Watching Kyla and Leili while Kali and Shawn went to the Provo City Center Temple Dedication.

Logan playing out at Bonka's.

Jake playing dodge ball with Kara and Kasiah. He is the best uncle.

Workouts and watching neighbor kids while the parents went to the first baby ultra sound.

Logan getting alot better at walking. 

Out for a birthday dinner for the kids before Matt started his 7 on shift.

SNOW!! It snowed and Kara had to play in it. Gotta love Utah weather.

Cuddles with Logan after his bottle.

Went for a swim and took a selfie to remind me.


My smile after visiting the dentist.

Logan likes to ride horses too.

Kara's birthday eve. Reminding myself how wonderful it is to be her mom and what a miracle she brought to our life!

Logan's and Kara's doctor appointment. I took my mom with me as Matt's work schedule got a bit crazy and he needed to sleep. Logan was all over the place with walking. He had to get shots and my mom held him as I don't do needles. Logan screamed after for a while until he got a sucker.

Lunch with Logan and been teaching him some more sign language.

Rice pudding and Lemon Pie at my mom's. My favorite desserts.

Logan thinking he is a big kid and playing on the steps while Matt takes his picture.

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