Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ready...set...action in December

Jumping Bean

Kara giggling caught on camera.


Matt dresses Kara in this outfit. I didn't like the sleeves on it, but love her toy in her mouth. She reminds me of the a gargoyle off a Disney movie.

Kara watching her dad out the window shoveling the snow. 

One of her favorite things to play with in the kitchen. 

My family Christmas party. We changed it up this year and had it on the Saturday before Christmas. My Gram, which is Kara's great-gram gave her a blanket.

This year for Christmas, I wanted to make my Gram a memory book with memories from her grandkids and great grandkids. It took alot of reminding and coaxing, but in the end it turned out great and Gram loved the book, which was the best part of all. (Thanks cousins for the pics and memories!)

One of the rare instances that Kara cuddled with me. To bad she was sick in order to do it though. 

 I was sitting at the computer working and Matt brings out Kara dressed like this. He said she looks exactly like Wonder Woman. Only Matt could be so geeky.

Playing with her dad

Leili having fun at dinner

1 comment:

  1. how do you get all your videos to load so well? I swear mine never work!
