Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Canning 2013

If you would have told me when I was younger, I mean a kid, that I would enjoy canning later on in my life I would have told you were nuts.

Well since I am pretty much a stay at home mom and now have a little one that is starting to eat food, I like it. WHY...4 reasons

  1. Gives me something to do. 
  2. Its builds up my food storage.
  3. I know where the food is from.
  4. It is pretty much free. 
So I have re-learned how to make spaghetti sauce, salsa, stewed tomatoes, pear sauce, apple sauce, and dried cinnamon apple rings.

Mind you, Matt wasn't the nicest about this.

  • He wasn't thrilled when I told him that he couldn't eat the pear sauce, because I said it was for Kara as I guess he really likes pear sauce. Who knew?!? But I did end up putting up more pear sauce, so now he can enjoy a bottle of two. I even got on a ladder to pick more pears after I swore I wasn't canning any more this year. 
  • He wasn't too thrilled to have to pick any fruit. Mind you that is all he really had to do. 
  • He wasn't happy when I tell him to stop eating the dried cinnamon apples, which he really likes. 

Fruits (literally) of my labor in pictures. We had an interesting time canning with Leili and Kara but it worked and it was fun. The shortest day canning was 5 hours and the longest I think was 12 hours. Kali canned once with us and said she was done.

Does anyone have GRAPES 
they are willing to part with?

1 comment:

  1. I have grapes that unless I take down my microwave I cannot juice. But no. I have a will so there will be a way. :)
