Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Arrival...Baby Kara

Well my due date of March 21st, came and went. I finally got induced on Friday, March 29th. We checked into the hospital at 7:00am and had baby, Kara at 7:52pm. More about the birth story and fun later.

7 lbs 11oz
21 inches long

Here is our precious little one.

3-29-2013 Delivery room picture - 1 hour old 

3-31-2013 - Time to go home. 2 days old
4-2-2013 - First day out... Pediatrican Visit


  1. Ohh Ab, she's SO beautiful! Congratulations!

  2. I love her so much!!! And I think she may be the cutest dressed little lady in town. So adorable!

  3. So precious! Congrats, enjoy every second!
