We wanted to have a "Gender" Reveal Party to announce what the baby was going to be, so we set up 2 different reveal parties, one for our family and one for our friends.
The family reveal party was on 11-10-2012. We wanted to have a little fun on how we announced the gender besides just having the bear tell everyone, so we also put up balloons, had cupcakes, and fortune cookies. All ways that could reveal what we were having. We arrived a little early to set up our little surprise.
We had the family reveal party at my parent's house. Two of my sisters, Kali and Chelsey, were there along with my parents and my brother Jake. Matt's brother, Brian and his family, along with his parents were there.
We had pizza first, because we were waiting for Jake to arrive. This left everyone being a little curious.
Table is set before everyone got there.
The presents are from my mom - depending on what you have is what you get to open. |
Cupcakes - iced to reveal what the baby would be...not really though. |
Fortune cookies in front of the bear that is holding the secret to our treasure. |
Us in front of the fun we have planned for our families. |
Kali, Chelsey. and Hans |
My mom and dad. Matt's mom and dad |
Arlee, Jairus, Tali, and Jake |
Brian |
My parents |
Matt took over the part of announcer and had fun saying "an item on this table will reveal what we are having". Everyone had an interesting time trying to figure out the "item" that would reveal the secret.
Hans finally caught on and even had a tug of war with Matt for the Bear.
We had Arlee, our 3 year old niece, come up and push the bear's button to reveal we were going to be having a girl.
Matt and the bear ready to announce. |
Me and Matt with the bear |
Matt, me, Arlee, and the bear
Arlee's response was priceless. She cried and ran over to her mom and hid behind her leg. I got her response on video. She was crying because she thought she was getting a baby sister and had been wanting a baby brother.
After we revealed, we were having a girl, Matt opened the "girl" present from my mom.
Watching Arlee's reaction still brought tears to my eyes. Good thing it wasn't our reveal party. We would have had a very unhappy little girl. Makes me wonder if we will have that happen the next time we have a baby. We will have to see. I am coaching her right now not to care, but when the time comes we will see what happens. I am happy that you are having a girl!