I get to babysit alot. I especially love watching kids that are about 18 months. They can walk and kind of talk, but they love to play with you and think the world is such an adventure.
I got a phone call from my sister, Chelsey, today while I was at work to watch my niece, Arlee, who is about 18 months old. I love her to death. She loves to call me "Babbie". She use to say Abbie really well, but since I started chasing her everywhere, she gets really excited and starts saying, "Babbie, Babbie, Babbie" over and over. It is the best.
So today, Chelsey and I traded Arlee at my work, so I could watch her. Well I took her inside my work and showed her off. She did her tricks that she knows and everything. She really loved riding the elevator.
We went over to my in-laws after I showed her off at my work, so I could take care of some mail. I ended up talking with my mother in-law for over an hour and Arlee just played around the front room with my keys and the trying to put them in the front door. It amazes me how captivated she was with the keys.
I got the toys out so she could play with them. Well she found a keychain and thought it was an earring and wanted me to put it on her. So I did. She was so cute and wore it around for about 5 minutes. I had to take some pictures of Arlee and her earring.