We went camping with our friends, Turkey & Alan - their two kids, Robbie and Daxton, and Amber Dawn & Mike - their daughter Hannah.
We all had different schedules, so we just met up at our campsite. Matt and I stopped at the cemetery in Peoa to take a picture of a very interesting headstone that my friend Jeremy had shown be years before. Take a look!

We also some deer, a mom and two baby deer.

We set up camp when everyone arrived and had fun. We went on walks, played card games, went fishing, rafted in the lake, and enjoyed the rain storm. Few pictures of our fun!

Amber Dawn likes to stick out her tongue while having her picture taken so she can see if it will grow.

Daxton fell asleep while everyone was fishing...he didn't sleep very well the night before and his sister Robbie is trying to be quit.

I took Hannah and Robbie out on the raft one at a time as we only had one life jacket for them. before Matt went out fishing. Hannah is helping me row. It was really windy, but it was a good thing we were tied to the shore as we had to help to get back in.

No one was really having any luck fishing from the shore so Matt wanted to take the raft out and try his luck. Well Matt has no luck fishing when he is on the raft. One of the oars decided to fall into the lake. So he was out on the lake with only one oar with heavy winds. We had to wait for him to drift ashore. Really bad luck for him! But it was funny!

One thing that saved the kids from boredom was the hammock that Mike had put up. The kids spent hours playing on it. Here are all three together.

During the rain storm, we put Robbie and Hannah in a tent to watch a movie. They ended up falling asleep eventually and had to be woken up for dinner.
We had a lot of fun with our friends and plan to go camping next year. Hopefully it won't rain though, but since Matt and I are going it probably will.